Monday, 1 July 2019

Top 10 List of Naturally Gluten Free Foods

What are Naturally Gluten Free Foods?

Gluten is a protein present in some grains like wheat, rye and barley that provide elasticity and moisture to maintain food shape. Naturally gluten-free foods are healthy and delicious. Gluten free foods contains less than 20 parts per million of gluten. This diet is good for people suffering from with celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity and allergy to wheat. There are many healthy gluten free foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, legumes, certain whole grains, dairy products, fats and oils.

Below is the list of top 10 natural gluten free foods list:

1. Chickpeas:
Chickpeas are considered to be great gluten-free food.

2. Potatoes:
Potatoes are gluten-free and loaded with healthy starches and potassium. They are slowly digested and good for gut health.

3. Corn:
Corn flour, gluten-free processed foods that is low in fiber and protein. Corn tortillas are quite nutritious and fulfill your starch content.

4. Pistachios:
Pistachios are gluten-free and quite low in fats and calories. They are also a great source of protein and fiber that keeps you full for long.

5. Cheddar Cheese:
Cheddar cheese is naturally gluten-free and low- carb eating diet. It is a rich source of calcium and protein and help to prevent cavities.

6. Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are also naturally gluten-free foods. They contain complex form of carbohydrates vitamin A, fiber and potassium.

7. Cauliflower:
Cauliflower is a great gluten free food. It is rich in vitamin A and C, calcium, manganese but low in carbs. As it has no gluten, so it helps in weight loss.

8. Walnuts:
Walnuts are good source of omega-3 and many healthy fatty acids. They also contain fiber and good for our brain and skin.

9. Quinoa:
Quinoa, a popular grain contains essential amino acids, protein and fiber. It helps to keep you full for long.

10. Oats:
Oats are very healthy gluten-free food. They are also great source of fiber, vitamin B, phosphorus and magnesium. It helps to maintain your cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

What is the Difference between Fruits and Vegetables?

Differences between Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are quite similar in terms of nutrition. Both fruits and vegetables are healthy for us. Both are rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants but generally low in sodium and fat. They are quite similar but have some differences also in terms of structure, taste and nutrition.

They are classified according to botanical and culinary concept. Botanical concept classification is based on part of the plant they come from and culinary concept classification is based on taste.

According to Botany, a fruit is the mature seed that develops from the ovary of flowering plant. These seeds can further reproduce. A vegetable is edible part of plant like roots, leaves and stems that can reproduce further.

Fruits are mostly sweet but vegetables have different taste like sweet, sour, bitter or salty.

Fruits are eaten as a dessert or a snack but vegetables constitute a main course of meal.

Fruits contains large amount of natural sugar and calories as compared to most varieties of vegetables.

Fruits are eaten as raw but vegetables can be eaten as raw or cooked.

Some fruits provide more fiber per gram as compared to vegetables. The fiber content of fruits per 100 grams ranges between 2–15 grams of fiber, while fiber content of leafy vegetables per 100 grams ranges between 1.2–4 grams of fiber.

The water content is also greatly variable. Vegetables contain 84–95% water, while fruits contain slightly less, i.e., 61–89% water.


Fruits - Apple, banana, orange, grapes, peach, etc.

Vegetables - Spinach, cabbage, carrot, potato, etc.

Best Fruits to Eat for Weight Loss

List of Fruits that Help You Lose Weight

Want to lose weight quickly then here we discuss list of Best Fruits to Eat for Weight Loss. Fruit is package of fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients. Fruit is high in fiber and low in calories which help in lose weight. By eating fruit people get various health benefits such as lower risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, lower body weight and heart disease.

1) Grapefruit: It is cross between pomelo and orange and eating grape fruit help people in losing their weight. Grapefruit is basically low in calories, high in Vitamin C and A. Helps in reducing overall food intake, if people eat grapefruit before main meal.

2) Apples: It low in calories and high in fiber with 5.4 grams of fiber & 116 calories as per large apple. Eating apples helps in losing weight.

3) Stone Fruits: It is Group of seasonal fruit and includes nectarines, plums, peaches, cherries and apricots. Stone fruits contain low-calorie, low GI and good source of nutrients such as Vitamin A and C.

4) Berries: It is low in calories and consists of many necessary vitamins. Berries also have positive effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels and inflammation.

5) Rhubarb: It is vegetable and prepare like a fruit. It is high in fiber and low in calories which may help in reducing high cholesterol and losing weight.

6) Kiwifruit: kiwi is small, brown fruit and it is soft, delicious and sweet. This fruit is highly nutritious and provide various health benefits. Kiwi is high in fiber and low in calorie which helps in losing weight.

7) Oranges: It is low in calories and high in vitamin C and Fiber. People need to eat orange rather than orange juice, if they want to lose weight.

8) Banana: Some people avoid banana while try to lose weight. Eating banana is help in reducing cholesterol and blood sugar. Banana includes magnesium, manganese, Fiber, potassium, vitamin A, B6 and C.

9) Avocados: This fruit contains high fat but still by Eating avocados people can reduce weight. Avocados also help in weight maintenance.

10) Melons: This fruit is low in calories and high water and both of them helps in reducing weight. Melons are good source of potassium, fiber and antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and lycopene.

Top 10 Foods with Omega 6 Fatty Acids

What Foods are High in Omega 6 Fatty Acids?

Omega 6 Fatty Acids is one of the important dietary fats and provides various health benefits in human body. omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids. These fats are basically used for energy and Omega 6 Fatty Acids given benefits to treat symptoms of chronic disease and other diseases. Here, we discuss Top 10 Foods with Omega 6 Fatty Acids. So who want to know list of foods with Omega 6 fatty acids can go through this article.

1) Snacks (Corn Chips)

2) Firm Tofu

3) Walnuts

4) Fast Foods (Subway Tuna Sub)

5) Safflower Oil

6) Cake with Frosting

7) Roasted Chicken Thigh

8) Peanut Butter

9) Creamy Soups

10) Cured Meats (Pepperoni)

Polyunsaturated fats are class of Omega 6 fatty acids. By taking too many omega 6 fats lead to increased cancer, risk of cardiovascular disease, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.

Top 10 Foods with Omega 3 Fatty Acids

What Foods are High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Omega 3 Fatty Acids is very necessary type of fat and they contain many health benefits. Excellent dietary source of omega-3 is Fatty fish. There are 3 types of Omega 3 fatty acid i.e. ALA, DHA, and EPA. We list of Top 10 Foods with Omega 3 Fatty Acids in this article. So, those who want to know best foods list containing Omega 3 fatty acid can go through this article.

1) Salmon: On the planet, it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods and containing high-quality protein, nutrients like potassium, selenium, magnesium and vitamin B.

2) Mackerel: Mackerel are very rich in nutrients and these fish is delicious and need little preparation. In one piece of salted mackerel there is 4,107 mg Omega-3 fatty acid.

3) Herring: It is oily fish and often cold-smoked, pickled or precooked then people sold it as canned snack. Per fillet of raw Atlantic herring contain Omega-3 fatty acid.

4) Cod Liver Oil: This oil is more of a supplement than a food. Per tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil contain 2,664 mg.

5) Oysters: It is shellfish and one of the most nutritious foods which people can eat. On planet, Oyster contains more zinc as compare to other food. In 6 raw eastern oysters, 565 mg of omega 3 fatty acid.

6) Anchovies: Anchovies are tiny, oily fish and it is great source of selenium and niacin. This fish also rich in calcium and per can there is 951 mg omega3 fatty acid.

7) Sardines: This is very small and oily fish and people eat this fish as starter, snack or delicacy. 149 grams of canned Atlantic sardines consist of 2,205 mg omega 3 fatty acid.

8) Flax seeds: This food is small brown or yellow seeds and mainly uses to make oil. Flaxseed oil mainly used as an omega-3 supplement. This food is also high in fiber, magnesium and other nutrients.

9) Caviar: This food consists of fish eggs which are also known as roe. Food is high in choline and low in omega-6 fatty acids. Per tablespoon of Caviar contains 1,086 mg Omega-3 content.

10) Chia Seeds: This food is good source of calcium, phosphorus, manganese and other nutrients. 28 grams of chia seeds contains 4915 mg of omega 3 content.

Top 10 Potassium Rich Foods

Top 10 Potassium Rich Foods

In human body, there should be an adequate amount of Potassium. For maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in human body, Potassium is an important nutrient. To support key processes human need minimum 100 milligrams of potassium regularly. Those people who don’t have knowledge of Potassium Rich Foods can read this article. Here, we provide Top 10 Potassium Rich Foods, Check Now! 

1) White Beans: Beans and lentils are rich source of potassium. White beans also consist of manganese, iron, magnesium, thiamine and folate.

2) Beets: Along with Sweet flavor, Beets are deep red root vegetable. Beets also contain folate and manganese. It is also high in nitrates which help in improving high blood pressure and blood vessel function.

3) Spinach: it is great source of potassium and high nutritious vegetable. Spinach also contains various other minerals, vitamins and Healthy plant compounds.

4) Tomato Sauce: Tomato and any other tomato products contain good source of potassium. It is rich in minerals, vitamins which include vitamins A, C, E, B6 and copper.

5) Bananas: It is rich source of potassium and banana also a good source of manganese, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, antioxidants and Fiber.

6) Avocados: This food is highly nutritious and good source of potassium. One medium-sized avocado includes 20% of the RDI. It also contains fats, antioxidants and fiber.

7) Yogurt: It contains potassium, riboflavin and calcium. 11% of the RDI for potassium include in One cup (245 grams) of yogurt. It also contains beneficial bacteria which help in avoiding varieties with added sugar.

8) Salmon: it is very nutritious food and contains high-quality protein, omega-3 fats and various other vitamins and minerals which includes potassium. 178 grams of salmon consist of 15% of the RDI for potassium.

9) Coconut Water: it is healthy drink and sweet, nutty but low in sugar. Coconut Water includes electrolytes which are significant for maintaining pH balance and hydration. 13% of RDI for potassium includes in 240 grams of coconut water.

10) Oranges and Orange Juice: It is high in vitamin C and also good source of potassium. This fruit also contain high level of antioxidants which help in improving heart disease, body’s ability to fight free radicals and inflammation.

List of Low Potassium Foods

What are the Foods Low in Potassium?

Want to know foods of low potassium then here we will discuss top low potassium foods. Read Now! Potassium is 3rd most abundant mineral in body. With the help of potassium, Body serve nerve signal, regulates fluid and control muscle contractions. Basically, it is an important mineral which functions as an electrolyte. Potassium also supports cardiovascular health, bone strength, muscle strength and blood pressure.

Low-Potassium Fruits:

1. Apples

2. Fruit cocktail

3. Grapes and grape juice

4. Grapefruit

5. Blackberries

6. Blueberries

7. Mandarin oranges

8. Peaches

9. Pears

10. Pineapple and pineapple juice

11. Cranberries

12. Raspberries

13. Strawberries

14. Tangerine

15. Watermelon

16. Plums

Low-Potassium Vegetables:

1. Alfalfa sprouts

2. Carrots (cooked)

3. Cauliflower

4. Celery

5. Onion

6. Parsley

7. Peas (green)

8. Asparagus

9. Broccoli

10. Cabbage

11. Corn

12. Cucumber

13. Eggplant

14. Lettuce

15. White mushrooms

16. Peppers

17. Watercress

18. Yellow squash and zucchini

19. Green beans or wax beans

20. Kale

21. Radish

22. Water chestnuts

Other Low-Potassium Foods:

1. Bread

2. Cake

3. Noodles

4. Pasta

5. Cookies

6. Coffee

7. Pies

8. Rice

9. Tea

In body, potassium keeps your heart beating, at right balance. Potassium level should be balanced because too high or too low potassium can be dangerous. If your potassium level is high or low, then you need to do change in your diet. People can control potassium amount by getting knowledge of foods which are low or high in potassium and after that, make changes in your diet.

Some foods and drinks have unseen potassium. In herbal or dietary supplements, diet or protein drinks and diet bars, sports drinks may also have potassium.

Top 10 Low Sodium Foods

What are the Best Low Sodium Foods?
In human body, Sodium is a necessary nutrient which helps in nerves and muscles function properly. Sodium helps in fluid balance in human body and it maintains blood volume and blood pressure. People who want to know Low Sodium Foods can go through this article. Here, we are going to discuss Top 10 Low Sodium Foods. 

1) Grass-Fed Beef: Grass-Fed Beef Patty consists of 45 milligrams sodium. Nutrition of this food is impressive as it consist of omega-3 fatty acids which help in reducing inflammation.

2) Free-Range Eggs: 70 milligrams of sodium includes in One free-range egg. Along with low sodium, Eggs also have many other nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids which help in heart disease risk.

3) Brown Rice: In this, there is nil amount of any sodium basically, it is prepare with dash of salt. Prepare brown rice with little bit of sea salt and other spices. In brown rice there are various nutrients like selenium, manganese and magnesium.

4) Quinoa: 13 milligrams of sodium involve in One cup of cooked quinoa. Quinoa is prepared with salt and little bit sea salt. Quinoa is also called gluten free grain which includes high protein and fiber.

5) Fresh Vegetables: All kind of fresh vegetables considered low sodium foods and some vegetables include very low sodium or no sodium. Celery, broccoli, spinach etc includes less than 140 milligrams of sodium.

6) Oats: When prepare raw steel-cut or rolled oats, it contains no sodium. Good source of fiber and protein are Gluten-free oats. Oats helps in digestion, boost immunity and lower cholesterol levels.

7) Avocados: Only 10 milligrams of sodium involve in half of a medium avocado. Avocados are low sodium food which also contains phytochemicals, healthy fats and fiber which protect body from disease.

8) Fresh Fruit: Fruit is very low in sodium. Some fresh fruits include honeydew, pears, plums, watermelon, papaya, bananas, grapefruit, apples, blueberries and strawberries.

9) Yogurt: 115 milligrams of sodium includes One cup of yogurt. This food helps in increasing bone density, healthy digestion and weight loss. This food, also boosts immune system and reduce cardiovascular health.

10) Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon: Wild salmon consist of 50 milligrams sodium. It includes B vitamins, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and minerals. This food improve health of bones and joints, protect function of brain and neurological.

Top 10 Cholesterol Reducing Foods

What are Foods that Lower Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is important substance for human body, if it is normal. When it comes to producing hormones, generate vitamin D and Digest food, Cholesterol has important function and it is present in every cell of body. Risk of high Cholesterol is coronary heart disease and heart attacks. In this article, we are providing you Top 10 Cholesterol Reducing Foods. Check Now!

1) Legumes: It is like beans, peas and lentils which help people in reducing “bad” LDL levels. Legumes are good source of protein, fiber and minerals.

2) Nuts: It includes walnuts and almonds and Nuts are nutrient dense food. Nuts are good source of cholesterol-lowering fats, fiber and minerals and also improving heart health.

3) Avocados: It is nutrient dense food and good source of fiber and monounsaturated fats which help in reducing lower “bad” LDL.

4) Whole Grains: Oats and barley are included in whole grains. Whole grains help people in reducing risk of heart disease. Oats and barley give beta-glucan which is very useful to lower “bad” LDL cholesterol.

5) Fatty Fish: Fish like mackerel and salmon and these fish are great source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish helps in reducing Heart disease and stroke risk.

6) Dark Chocolate and Cocoa:  Cocoa is ingredient of Dark chocolate. They both help in lower blood pressure and “bad” LDL cholesterol.

7) Fruits and Berries: For getting heart healthy diet, Fruits are essential. There are various fruits which are rich in fiber and helps in reducing cholesterol levels.

8) Soy Foods: For improving heart health, Soy foods in very beneficial. Soy foods are type of Legumes and soy foods can definitely help in reducing factors of heart disease risk.

9) Garlic: It is ingredient in cooking and medicine which people use for centuries. Garlic contains  Allicin and other plant compounds which help in lowering LDL cholesterol and also reducing risk of heart disease.

10) Vegetables: vegetables are good source of antioxidants, fiber and low in calories and all these thing help in maintaining healthy weight.